We got letters Friday from Will! Yay! He's still sounding upbeat and positive, which is good but the only thing that's irritating me is his lack of information in his letters. He's not really talking about how its going. What he's doing. What his job is. How he's doing with all the physical stuff. He DID tell me that he's eating just fine and that he's NOT drinking any sodas, lol! We are NOT a soda house. Tea and water here!
Now, in saying that no news is good news, yeah, yeah... I AM keeping in contact with others from Will's Flight group. There is a girl friend of one of the trainees in Wills flight that is VERY informative, lol!! And he tells her and she tells me! And what we've both found out is that Will and Justin's (that's the boy friend trainee) flight is STILL not acting right and getting into trouble. So much so they LOST their 15 minute call privilege for this week AND an hour off everyday during the graduation weekend. Meaning that the graduation weekend runs Thursday through Sunday. They now are only getting 7 hours with family instead of 8 PER day unless they straighten up and learn to work as a unit. Some of these kids are barely 17 and I think the oldest is 31. Yeah, that's a BIG age gap and a lot of lessons to be learned there.
Also, we found out that last week, in week 2 of training , FIVE guys up and quit. Yup, you still have time to quit even if you signed the dotted line. The thing is is that if you don't want to be there the Air Force doesn't want you there. Kinda self explanatory and makes perfect sense. Plus, like everything else in the military there's always a process. Even in getting what they call "washed out." As is the thing with these 5 guys. For whatever reason they quit and now they have to go through evaluations to see if it was just cause or if it was out of fear. If the later is the case then you get "recycled." what that means is that you'll get pulled from your original Flight group and moved to a newer one to make up the time you missed being washed out. OR whatever the reason is and its legit then you get sent home.
This all happened last week from what the trainee said and week 2 was a pretty rough week from what little Will did say. And in saying that I am SO damn proud of Will. He had sent me that first letter and told me multiple times that he wasn't quitting. No matter what. So, I'm thinking that's what he meant by those statements.
So, as I didn't get any letters or calls today I did get valuable information that I could in turn use in my next letter to Will to keep his moral up and his home support productive and not just idling by figuring out what to say next. I kind of got on to him just a little that we worry more when he leaves things out rather than when he tells us things. I get hes trying to spare us all the details and have us worry buuuut, nah. Tell me everything boy!! No news is good news? Yeah, definitely NOT buying that!!
Glad you heard from him on Friday.
I'm of two or three different "minds" here about what's going on. Perhaps, he's so tired about not writing every day
or, he knows you'd get upset if you really knew about what a hard time it is for him. But, at least you get the 'news' from the girlfriend.
That's a shame about the ones who are quitting, but I'm sure they have good reason.
Another thing I wonder about; maybe being stateside the letters aren't censored but I remember when Dad was overseas, he had to be real careful about what he wrote. Does that make sense?
Thinking of y'all (all y'all) all the time. Is that enough 'alls'? :)
I’m with Sally...he might not have enough time to write about it all. I hate that five are gone...guess a few more will purge before it’s over.
Could be just a guy thing, too! Maybe he just doesn't like writing letters. I'm sure as soon as he's over basic training you'll hear from him more often!
I think yall are all right, lol! Just glad he sent me the questionnaire I sent him back. Just got it today and I posted it up on the blog!!
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